SYMFOCITY PROGRADIO Uitzending nummer 1383, week 2316 Radio Apeldoorn 17-Apr-2023 Omroep Almere 19-Apr-2023 Deventer Radio 19-Apr-2023 RTV Rijnstreek 23-Apr-2023 Radio Voorst 24-Apr-2023 RTV Veluwezoom 24-Apr-2023 Eerste uur: 1) Phideaux - Storia Senti tr:15 (6:42) CD: Number 7 (2009) Bloodfish Media 2) The Foundation - Unconditional tr:8 (4:02) CD: Mask (2023) Eigen beheer 3) Gazpacho - Valeries Friend tr:4 (6:29) CD: Night (2007) Rackett Records 4) Karfagen - Mysterious Forest (Part1) tr:2 (14:03) CD: Passage To The Forest Of Mysterious (2023) Caerllysi Music 5) Pendragon - Breaking The Spell tr:3 (9:18) CD: The Window Of Life (1993) Toff Records 6) Peter Gabriel - i/o tr:1 (3:53) CD: Single (promo album "i/o") (2023) Eigen beheer 7) Janison Edge - A Twist in the Tale of Earth History tr:1 (9:27) CD: The Services of Mary Goode (1998) Gargoyle Records --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tweede uur: 1) Nemo - Miroirs tr:3 (6:40) CD: Si, Partie 1 (2006) Quadrifonic 2) Isobar - The Mimus Polyglottos Alarm Clock tr:8 (10:12) CD: III (2023) Trope Audio 3) Peter Gee - The Wicket Gate tr:4 (4:31) Vanity Fair tr:13 (4:01) CD: Pilgrim (2023) Eigen beheer 4) Kong - Mirrorizon tr:5 (5:25) Flat Earth Sobriety tr:10 (3:57) CD: Traders Of Truth (2023) Kongenial Records 5) Evership - A Slow Descent Into Reality tr:2 (12:39) CD: Evership (2016) Atkingson Productions 6) Steve Hackett - Fifty Miles From The North Pole tr:3 (7:08) CD: The Night Siren (2017) InsideOut SymfoCity ProgProductions 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------------